
- ReNew You -


A 12-week one-on-one coaching program that helps women over 50 go from flabby to fit WITHOUT DEPRIVATION DIETING, so that they can face the world (and the mirror) with confidence, strength, and tighter abs.

Here's Why It Works:

The ReNew You Project gets results because:
  • It addresses the midlife hormonal changes that often show up as weight gain, belly fat, and low energy.

  • AND it focuses on - and eliminates - the mindset issues that tend to keep women overweight and stuck.

Here’s why it’s different:

This program is different from everything else you’ve tried because it focuses on what your changing body needs to get in shape right NOW, rather than what it responded to 25 years ago.

It also addresses the habits, misinformation, and limiting beliefs around food and exercise that tend to keep women from managing their weight in a healthy, “sane”, non-deprivational way. The new habits you develop in the ReNew You Project will help you stay fit and trim for the rest of your life, without dieting EVER again.

We'll work together to apply the 3 critical components of midlife weight loss to your life in an effective and do-able way. The program is custom made around YOU: Your personal preferences, goals and unique circumstances


- ReNew You -


If you are a woman over 50 who desires a strong, firm physique, increased energy, and a lovely feeling of ease in your body, but you’re struggling to get there, I’d LOVE to help you achieve that goal. It IS within your grasp! 

Carolyn ❤️

PS There is no better time than now. After all, do you think it will be “easier” to get in shape when you’re older?

Throw out the idea that there will EVER be a time that everything in your life is calm and organized and predictable so that you can focus on this ONE thing. Forget it! My program works WITH the busy, messy, stressy schedule that is your life.

Let's talk about it. I'd love to help ♥️