Sometimes when you least expect it, memory and emotion collaborate to knock you off balance. That happened to me this morning as I was running stadium steps at the high school. I’ve always wanted to be a runner, but my sciatic nerve won’t let me. Sprinting up stairs doesn’t seem to bother it, so that’s my cardio of choice, when my schedule and the weather permit. The burst of effort on the way up and the recovery on the way down suits me just fine. Also, it makes me feel like a badass. Just a little bit.
While chugging up and down the stairs, I watched little boys in baseball caps and gym shorts, carrying gloves that looked too big, gather for the baseball camp run by the high school coaching staff and some of the varsity players. Both of my boys participated in the camp for years, and my oldest helped coach when he was on the team.

Number One Son at 5 (2002)
It’s not just that I miss my babies and the old days, though I do. I miss loading them in the car for family outings, and I miss when I could make their problems disappear with a bandaid, a kiss and an ice cream cone. They’re teenagers now, with teenaged problems. And teenage attitudes. Family outings are few and far between. We hardly even eat dinner together anymore, given our individual school/work/activity/social schedules.

Number Two Son at 3 (2002)
But here’s the good news: I’m much happier – much more MYSELF – now than I have been in years. My home-based personal training business is doing well, I met a great guy on Tinder (we’ve been dating for several months now), and the chronic severe stress that I’d been living with for years is abating. Dare I say it … life is good. NOT PERFECT, but good.
In the process of renewal, rebuilding, and rediscovery (and probably several other “re” words I haven’t thought of yet), I have become passionate about supporting women like myself, who find themselves starting over at an age when we thought we’d be a-l-l-l-l set. I imagined that I’d be enjoying all kinds of stability and security in my 50s … I was in no way prepared for the chaos that took place instead, and certainly never dreamt that I’d be scrambling to reinvent myself at THIS age.
While there are many approaches to getting on top of the stressors and challenges of our lives, I tend to start with fitness. First of all, my exercise habits are something I can control, and that feels good. It’s something to hang on to. And If I feel strong and fit in the weight room, I feel strong and fit in most other aspects of my life. It gives me the confidence, energy and fortitude I need to move forward. And swagger. Can’t be denied – a good session in the weight room gives you swagger that you cannot buy. And in a Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off situation, you need as much of that as you can get, though nobody on the planet has as much swagger as a kid with a baseball mitt and a ball …

Mine are on the top right and top left. (2007ish)
Carolyn ❤️